Testwork Solutions with the Accuracy and Dependability Your Project Demands

RMS recognizes that quality testwork has never been more important. To this end, we offer a wide variety of tailings dewatering, backfill, and geo-technical testing using the highest standards with industry-leading protocols for the accuracy and dependability that our customers expect.

The Results Are In: RMS Provides Dependable Testwork

Ownership of our Tailings Dewatering and Paste Backfill Laboratory facilities means that RMS controls all aspects of the testwork process. The lab is equipped for characterization, particle segregation, dewatering (flocculation/thickening and filtration), rheological, geo-chemical and paste backfill testwork.

When Results Drive Design

RMS also works in closely with trusted partners who provide geo-technical laboratory services to support our customer’s projects. The ownership of our own laboratory allows the company to complete work with in-house employees. This approach avoids the typical pitfalls of vendor-specific testwork reports which often do not report the fundamental analysis of the work or provide blanket outputs limiting details for engineering design.

  • Performance Outputs

    RMS combines a hands-on practical laboratory testing environment with our engineering design capabilities to allow for the design and implementation of technology to tightly controlled performance outputs, whether it be for filter-cake moisture, or geo-technical and mix-ratio designs. The integration of engineering personnel within the laboratory setting allows for a deep knowledge of materials and their handling.

  • Optimized Performance

    All the aspects above support optimized performance of surface and underground systems. These include the distribution and placement of tailings with minimum footprint, binder addition requirements, if necessary, and the capacity to identify alternative materials to optimize layout and facility design.

RMS Mining Solutions

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